UPDATE! Amazon have announced that they will be closing AmazonSmile down on 20th Feb 2023. Very disappointing for us and other rescues chosen to receive their donations from your shopping. Another income stream gone…. We will still receive donations from them for your shops done before that date. Sad though. Thank you to everyone who used Smile and nominated us as their charity – much appreciated.
Do you use Amazon? If so, please switch to AmazonSmile which has the same products at the same price!
Smile will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to us at NO COST to you! Just choose Bleakholt as your Charity
It’s very easy to set up! To use AmazonSmile on the Amazon website, just check out these simple steps:
Easier still for us to receive donations, is to turn on AmazonSmile in the Mobile App.
To get the App, just visit:
It will really will make a difference to us, so please don’t forget to SMILE! Thank you for your support
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