Poor Oscar, Ana and Elliot are having to undergo Dental Surgery on Thursday 19th September. They have a condition called Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis, or EOTRH for short!

The Dental Surgeon will come here, so they won’t have to be put through a stressful journey, but unfortunately this is an expensive, but vital, procedure. For each one the estimated cost is £750 – £1,250, depending on how much work needs to be done after studying the X-rays.

You help us so much, but if you feel you can contribute something to their Surgery costs, we would be over the moon! Any amount would mean so much to us. You can donate on the Donate button on our facebook post here or click here for the donation page  

If we were lucky enough to meet our costs because of your kindness and support, anything extra will go to aftercare and medications. Thank you so much – we can’t do it without you.